Saturday, September 20, 2014

Motivation for Life

You know I am just more amazed by grace with each day. I know that sounds strange or impossible, but it is true. With each day I just come to realize, understand and appreciate (and these words are not strong enough) that I am only saved by grace, saved because Christ loved me. 

I am reading another book on grace written by Jerry Bridges in 1994; “The Discipline of Grace.” In it there is much insight into this thing called grace. There is great discussion on the human condition and our deep need for challenge, duty and obligation; our performance mindset.  In the preface, Bridges notes that any “pursuit of holiness must be motivated by the grace of God; else it can become oppressive and joyless.” That really made me think about just what motivates us. 

Obligation and duty just never succeed as a motivator for a lifetime, and really do become oppressive and joyless but I think that it truly is human nature for us to feel this sense of duty and obligation. Is there a way to break these oppressive and joyless chains? Jack Miller says we can by “preaching the gospel to ourselves every day.” I love that and so desperately need that. I need to remind myself that I was so loved by Christ; despite all my doubts, fears, failures; despite my worst and darkest actions; despite my arrogance and pride; despite my ever apparent un-worthiness, that He would pay the ultimate price, He would lovingly sacrifice all so that by the grace of God I might be rescued, restored, and become a child of God for all eternity. 

Again, I don’t have strong enough words, but can you see how my motivation might change? It might change from duty and obligation to love; love for my rescuer and my savior. And that love might become so overwhelming that it might be shared, that it might become my motivation! Bridges says that “preaching the gospel to ourselves every day gives us hope, joy, and courage! Amen! (I know too many exclamation points, but I got excited)

Again, Bridges points out that it was not duty or obligation that motivated the Apostle Paul, rather it was “his constant heartfelt awareness of Christ’s love for him.” That was his motivation. So what would that look like if it was truly our motivation? I think Galatians 5:6 tells us – it is our faith expressing itself through love – love for the Father, love for the Son, love for the Holy Spirit and love for one another!

Father, please let the constant heartfelt awareness of Christ’s love become our motivation for a lifetime. Father, as it is written in 2 Corinthians 5:14; Let Christ’s love compel us

Grace and Peace!

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