Saturday, August 23, 2014

Divided Attention

Now I am sure you have all heard the phrase “can I have your undivided attention.” That thought; undivided attention has had, well, my attention lately. I have been thinking about how busy I am (or appear to be) and how my attention, my focus is so divided. I try to do what seems to be 1000 things so my attention span is about 10 minutes. 

Kevin DeYoung in his book 'Crazy Busy' describes it like this; “on most days, my responsibilities, requirements and ambitions add up to much more that I can handle. It has been since I was a teenager, and only seems to be getting worse.” Can any of you relate to that? 

Well as I continue to dwell on my divided attention, I must confess that this even affects my Christian walk. I know God deserves my undivided attention, but at times I find it so hard. I am so ashamed that even during times of prayer some other thought will enter this absolutely privileged conversation and off on another task I go. Shouldn’t our focus be on Christ and all he has done for us? 
This divided attention could get a person down, but there is hope. Romans 8 tells us that; “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 

And while that passage is so hopeful and encouraging that nothing; not even my divided attention can separate me from the love of God that is in Christ, it does also provide to me a remedy. Because of that great love, I am drawn more and more to Christ, and isn’t that the answer...more of Jesus! 

DeYoung wraps it up so well... “What is to live a life with more craziness than we want because we have less Jesus than we need.” 

Father, forgive me my divided attention and inch by inch and step by step help me to focus on the Cross, and all that was done out of your great love for me. Help me to love you more and more each day. Help us all to find more Jesus and less clutter; help us give you our undivided attention. 

Grace and Peace!

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