Sunday, March 16, 2014


Psalm 19:1-4 

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. 

Well, spring is upon us and along with it comes daylight savings time. This helps me to enjoy one of my favorite things; the amazing sunsets we have around here. We are so fortunate that where we live affords such great sunsets over such a colorful body of water. 

It reminds me of a word that some may consider old fashion, but one that is certainly less used; the word is awe. I think that is has become less used, less prominent because of a new term; crazy busy. You know; just the busyness of life these days. 

Awe is an amazing concept and the word means an overwhelming wonder, admiration and/or respect; to be inspired mightily. On my good days when I am able to think clearly when my days are uncluttered, I still experience awe. I am clearly in awe of creation and the beauty we find in nature, but there is more to awe. I am in awe of a creator that so love me that he was willing to sacrifice all to restore a relationship with me. I am in awe of a savior willing to sacrifice everything just to rescue me. I am in awe of a counselor and comforter that walks with me daily. 

Awe is a condition of the heart – I think we need more of it. It is enjoying and being content in life, it is taking a deep breath and recognizing all we have going for us and it is knowing that it is ok to be happy! For the basketball fans out there Jim Valvano understood this. He understood this and it had nothing to do with his amazing career as a basketball coach. 

Valvano fought a heroic battle against cancer and after being given only a few months to live he said this; “I urge you all to enjoy your life. Every precious moment you have on this earth. Spend each day with some laughter. Don’t be afraid to get your emotions going. Be enthusiastic, because nothing great can be accomplished without enthusiasm. Live your dreams.”

I read somewhere that “all you have is now.” May we all be amazed, overwhelmed with wonder, and inspired mightily; may we all experience life in awe. 

Grace and Peace!

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