Saturday, August 17, 2013


Romans 1:16 

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. 

This is a simply amazing statement that I have been spending some time thinking about and perhaps not in the way you might think. In this verse Paul tells us that as believers we should not be ashamed of the Gospel, because the Gospel is actually the power of God for salvation. 

So the good news of Jesus Christ actually contains the power of God. Dwell on that for a while. In this verse, the word power in Greek is actually Dynamis where we get the word dynamite. It is a rich word meaning an inherent power residing in a thing by the virtue of its nature; a power for performing miracles.  And how amazing is the miracle of salvation. 

And we all know that dynamite is so powerful that it is a power that must be handled with care. Bryan Chapell says of this verse: “The Word’s power to transform lives does not give Christians the right to bypass, manhandle, or abuse the dignity and thought of others. We proclaim God’s word because it is amazing, but not as if it is magic.” 

To try and bring these thoughts all together, we have a tremendous power in God’s word, which must be handled with great care, with compassion and with love. I think 2 Timothy 4:2 provides insight: Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. 

Father, thank you for the amazing power of your word; a power that in and of itself can transform hearts and lives. Father, help each of us to proclaim the Gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ with great patience and careful instruction all to your glory! 

Grace and Peace!

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