Saturday, October 29, 2011


Those that know me know that I do not have a 20 year history as a Christian. I do not have the contextual or historical knowledge and have to work hard (not to earn, but to understand) to grasp what seems to come easy for some. I was not raised studying catechisms, but have discovered just how wonderful, helpful and illuminating they can be.

I had to start with a definition. A catechism is a summary or exposition of doctrine usually in a question and answer format. Jerry Bridges says; “A Catechism is simply a means of instruction by posting a series of questions about God, humankind, and answering those questions from the Bible. A catechism is never out of date as it seeks to teach us the eternal truths of scripture.”

I have recently been spending a little time in the Heidelberg Catechism. It is a wonderful, heartfelt commentary covering the Apostle’s Creed, the Ten Commandments and the Lord’s Prayer. I am using Kevin DeYoung’s book; “The Good News We Almost Forgot” as additional commentary on this Catechism. DeYoung points out that; “Heidelberg’s structure is unique in two ways. First, the overall structure fits into the pattern of salvation found in the book of Romans. ..the Catechism deals with man’s misery, man’s deliverance, and finally man’s response – or to put it more memorably; guilt, grace and gratitude.”

I just came across a question that has just touch my heart. Question 45 of the catechism asks; How does Christ’s resurrection benefit us? Something we may know but should be able to articulate. I must admit I struggled with this. DeYoung points out there has been no more important event in history than the resurrection of the Son of God. Amen!

But why? What is the benefit? The catechism points out three distinct benefits. First, by his resurrection He has overcome death, so that He might make us share in the righteousness He won for us by His death. Can you see that without the resurrection nothing was truly conquered; not death, not sin, not evil. That by His wonderful resurrection He satisfied divine justice, His offering was acceptable to God and the work of salvation is complete. By His resurrection we can now share in His righteousness.

Second, by His power we too are already now resurrected to a new life. DeYoung points out “that our hope of new life is not just a future goal; it is a present reality.” Isn’t that so encouraging? This new life points us to the personal relationship believers have with Christ, but there is even more.

Third, Christ Resurrection is a guarantee of our glorious resurrection. His resurrection is the first step toward a glorious and eternal transformation. The resurrection of our Lord and Savior points us toward that eternal hope.

I will end with Philippians 3:20-21; But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.


Grace and Peace!

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