Sunday, May 30, 2010

Running Through the Tape

I have had several events converging that when combined create this perfect storm. It has encouraged me to rely less on myself and more on God’s grace. These events are not really impacting my well being, but that of some of those closest to me. Two in particular weigh heavily on my heart. Without revealing too much detail, both involve very long paths; long races, much effort to complete or overcome.

This has brought a few memories back to me from my “old” track days. We would prepare and prepare and then the day of the race would arrive and the one thing our coach instilled in us is that during the race no matter what run through the tape; whether in first place or last run as hard as you possibly could all the way through the tape.

Another way to say it comes from my favorite football coach who has this motto; finish the drill – no matter the circumstance; let your last step be your best step; let your last block be your best block; your last pass be your best pass. I think the Apostle Paul would have appreciated this mindset.

Think of Paul and all the trials he faced from shipwrecks to deserts to prison to illness yet he encouraged us all to finish the race. In 1 Corinthians 9, Paul instructs us;

24Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.

Can you see Paul encouraging us to finish strong. There will always be obstacles, there will always be trials, and there will always be influences, but no matter what finish strong. We have a great, loving, healing and glorious savior waiting at the finish line with arms open wide. So my friends what ever may be going on in your lives know that Christ is there for you and finish the race just as Christ finished His race for each of us.

In 2 Timothy, Paul provided something that one day I hope we all can say;

7I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

Grace and Peace!

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