Sunday, January 3, 2010

Man Left to His Own Devices

I have been thinking deeply about my need to fully trust God. It is beyond me in my few moments of clarity to realize how much I trust myself. It brings to mind the first part of Isaiah 53:6;

We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way

So to me as fallen creatures we have gone astray, we have left the true navigational path of life. And if we follow our own ways how far will we stray? If we can’t or won’t see the way, where might we end up? Think about that for a while.

I recently experienced this straying in a somewhat humorous way, but it really reinforces this idea. Recently, I was fishing with my Pastor and my wife. We were miles offshore; beyond sight of land, but don’t tell my wife, she doesn’t like to go that far out. Oh yes, she was there, but that is another blog.

Anyway, after a successful few hours of fishing, we start to head in. We used our GPS to guide us back to our launch point. However, we had failed to mark this point and were simply using an address. As we near land, I begin to see what I thought were some clear land marks indicating we needed to head due north. The GPS said we needed to head south to the pass. However, I knew this could not be; so I turned north and after several minutes noticed we were indeed headed in the wrong direction. Oh, how embarrassing!

I turn around and trusted the GPS for the rest of the trip and although we arrived where we started; we arrived in the dark. While we were making our way back, it hit me that if man is left to his own devices; he will truly stray. In fact, it hit me that left to our own devices; life is truly hopeless. What we need, what we must have is a grand and glorious compass of life. In this new year I am so thankful that Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior is that compass; our GPS of life.

You know we are even told this in John 14:6

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

So this new year, may we all fully and absolutely trust the GPS for our soul; Jesus Christ! May we all follow Him for the way, through Him may we all see the truth, and in Him may we all live the life.

Grace and Peace!

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