Saturday, November 14, 2009

Double Listeners

Have you noticed a trend in our Churches to be cool or hip and I am not even sure what the new trendy description might be. However, the word I keep hearing over and over is relevant. We need to be relevant in our culture. I have been thinking a lot about that and what does that mean? says that relevant means; bearing upon or relating to the matter in hand; pertinent; to the point. So to me, applied to our current culture Christians need to be able to relate to those in our culture with something to the point. I think I can agree with that. However, I think there is a tension; a tension between the draw to be cool and hip and the need to be set apart.

Wouldn’t you agree as Christians we should be different? There should be some difference between us and the world. I think this is a healthy tension as long as we keep it in perspective. We do need to fit in, we need to be able to relate to the world, we need to build relationships and trust; so that we can share exactly what make us different; to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

1 Chronicles 12:32 describes the men of Issachar like this;

men of Issachar, who understood the times and knew what Israel should do.

Pastor Tullian Tchividjian says of this verse; “The Bible makes clear that Christians must be people of double listening—listening both to the questions of the world and to the answers of the Word. We’re to be good interpreters not only of Scripture but also of culture.”

Double listeners; I love that image. Dare I say I can relate to it? Yes, we must be able to navigate in the culture of our time, we must welcome the tough questions of the day, but we must remain set apart from some of the world’s trappings. So while there is this tension; be on guard, stand firm. I heard it once said, “Love them until they ask why”.

Father, like the men of Issachar; may we all understand and know what to do!

Grace and Peace!

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