Sunday, July 26, 2009

Grace Notes

I recently heard Philip Yancey discuss being a grace note in other people’s lives. That really hit home with me and could give us all a perspective for reflection. Yancey meant that when we are confronted with some of life’s difficulties (even trivial stuff) we can react with grace becoming not only an example, but also demonstrating love to our neighbors.

The Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms defines grace as “unmerited favor”. I love that. I read somewhere that there is a term in music called grace notes and I read a description that it is the most wonderful sound. So what if we all took the challenge to become grace notes to those we interact with?

In 2 Corinthians 4:15 we see; All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.

Perhaps by being grace notes there is a benefit to others, as well as to us with the glory going to God. Sounds good, but...easier said than done. With all this in mind I began to wonder, do I provide grace notes to those I interact with? Humbly I must answer not very often.

Recently I had the opportunity. I was sitting stopped at a red light in my car, listening to my favorite tune and life was good. All of a sudden someone bumped me from behind. I get out to survey for damage and the truck is still pressed solidly against my bumper. I walk back to the truck and notice a man on his cell phone still talking. He looks at me and says “did I hit you”? I was beside myself and proceed to pretty much scream at him saying yes you hit me!

There was no real damage, but I could have handled it so differently; I never even considered that he could have been getting tragic news on the phone or what kind of day he was having. I could have been a grace note and treated him with unmerited favor causing this man to think just how can you be joyful during a trying time. Perhaps if I had been a grace note in that man's life, then that man would go and act as a grace note in someone else’s life.

Not too graceful, but you know there is hope. Not too long ago I wouldn’t have even given my actions a second thought, but now by the “grace” of God I see my shortcomings and perhaps next time I will provide that grace note for someone else all to the glory of God. Perhaps these grace notes will spread exponentially…just think!

God, thank you for your unmerited favor in our lives; thank you for the transforming grace of Jesus Christ that is marvelous beyond words and may we all begin to act as grace notes in the world!

Grace and Peace!


Anonymous said...

You may not have been a grace note in this particular situation but I know you are a grace note to many others including me and I thank you for that.

SC said...

Thanks Ted, that means a great deal to me!