Saturday, May 2, 2009

National Day of Prayer

National Day of Prayer is fast approaching. For anyone that didn’t know; this day was established in 1952 by a joint resolution of congress and signed into law by Harry Truman. That kind of astonished me as I have only been aware of this day for a few years. That probably speaks much to my spiritual journey.

I have given this day much thought and as much as I wish we didn’t have to have a national day of prayer; as much as I wish everyday was national day of prayer; I believe this is a worthwhile endeavor. Setting aside the first Thursday in May for this nation to come together and pray to God is some how encouraging to me.

This has caused me to think more about prayer and what prayer really is; being in relationship with our amazing God. That can be an intimidating thought, but we are called to pray; just as our Savior showed us the way. The challenge for me and maybe all of us is that my prayers need to be more than mere words; more than simple requests.

To me prayer must come from the heart. So my prayer is for my prayers to be heartfelt. My prayer is for my prayers to be more than something I have to do. My prayer is for my prayers to be meaningful and loving communication with my Lord.

As National Day of Prayer approaches, that is my prayer for us all. That we lift up praise, that we confess our brokenness, that we give thanks and that we lift up petitions for our friends, families, nation, Christians around the world, missionaries, those less fortunate…and the list goes on and on and on.

Martin Luther once said; “Grant that I may not pray alone with the mouth; help me that I may pray from the depths of my heart”. Father, help us all to pray from the depths of our hearts!

Grace and Peace!

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