Sunday, April 12, 2009

An Easter Prayer

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

We humbly come before you this day praising you for all things. We praise you for your love, your strength, your sovereignty, your grace and we praise you for your Son; Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

This special day; Resurrection Sunday we humble ourselves and confess our brokenness, our many failures which make your sacrifice even more amazing.

Lord, this day we remember your word from John 16;

33"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."’

Christ, we rejoice that you have overcome the world and that because of your atoning sacrifice we might have eternal peace and life and hope through you our savior.

Father, as we celebrate resurrection Sunday let us reflect upon the events and circumstances that faced our Savior during this most Holy week; a triumphant entry, the persecution, the plotting, the betrayal, a washing of the feet, a supper together, prayer, a soul overwhelmed with sorrow, torture, pain, denials, the separation. All done for each of us; your children.

God, we pray for Christians around the world facing trials of many kinds that you would strengthen, encourage, provide and comfort. We pray for your church that it will be an ever expanding, attracting light of hope and love. We pray for the beautiful feet of the missionaries bringing the good news to those in need.

We pray for this nation as it faces economic crisis, moral dilemmas, and threats of many kinds, that we will be a nation that turns to You for all things, that You will grant this nation wisdom, relief, hope, and love.

We pray for believers with their many needs, we pray for relief from economic suffering, we pray for healing from all ailments, we pray for guidance for the lost and love for the lonely. We pray for our Church leaders, our pastors, all ministry leaders and their families that they might be encouraged and strengthened.

Father, this special day I pray for each of us that we might remember the sacrifice and the events of this Holy week, that we might overcome our issues, troubles, and doubts and confidently proclaim as the apostle Thomas did; My Lord and God.

Father, mostly we pray that you would be glorified and your will be done. We pray these many things in Jesus most Holy name. Amen!

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