Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Blessed Privilege of Loving Him

I have a good friend that I correspond with on a regular basis. He is a young man working with YWAM on staff at the University of the Nations in Hawaii. We have some of the best, deepest and most meaningful conversations (in writing no less). Recently he wrote to me with great joy and enthusiasm about recent efforts. It just lifted my spirits to read his note. In his note he reminded me of the “stunning power of the cross” and the incredible and indescribable love of our Lord and Savior. It reminded me of a brief writing I came across from Augustus Toplady the author of “Rock of Ages”. This writing is called “The Blessed Privilege of Loving Him”. Toplady writes:


“Whom should we love, if not him who loved us, and gave himself for us? If the bliss even of angels and glorified souls, consists greatly in seeing, and praising, the Son of God; surely, to love, to trust, and to celebrate the friend of sinners, must be a principal ingredient in the happiness of saints not yet made perfect. Solomon, whose experience of grace was lively and triumphant when he wrote the Song of Songs, declares in the fifth chapter, "that Christ is altogether lovely" (5:16). Other objects may be overrated, and too highly esteemed; but so transcendent, so infinite, is the excellency of Christ, that he is, and will be to all eternity, more lovely than beloved. Yet, though all the love possible for saints and angels to show, falls, and will always fall, infinitely short of the Saviour's due: still it is a blessed privilege, to love him at all, though in ever so faint a manner, and in ever so low a degree. They, that love him at all, wish to love him more: and more and more they shall love him, through the ages of endless duration, in heaven, where they shall be like him, and see him as he is. “


You know it is a blessed privilege!

Grace and Peace!


Phil's Grill said...

It is good you have such a friend that you connect with on such a deep level. One of God's greatest gifts to provide us strength are friends.
I wanted to let you know that Phil's Grill is sponsoring a give away at
Also would you be interested in exchanging links? If you could put a ling to the following
on your blog I would put your blog link on Phil's Grill. Let me know what you decide. Thank you for such an inspiring post.

SC said...

Thanks for the kind comment. I decided from the beginning that this blog would be more of a journal of restoring thoughts gathered as I learn and grow. I did visit Phil's Grill and website and love them. I will pass them along by word of mouth and hope you continue to visit Katartizo -
