Sunday, April 9, 2023

Easter 2023

Ephesians 1:7

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.

Oh how I need the message of Easter, especially this year. In all my brokenness, in a time where I seem to get swallowed by my fears and shortcomings, where it seems I am driven by my doubts and insecurities, surrounded by a world of brokenness, and at times I have just this hopeless feeling. 

But, Easter tells me I can rest, I can be at peace because with Jesus it is finished. It shouts to me that I can be hope-filled and joyful because it will be so much better farther on. It proves to me that I can be thankful in all circumstances.  It assures me that I am redeemed, forgiven and steadfastly loved. And it inspires me to be amazed by the riches of God’s grace!  

Oh Lord how I need you everyday and wonderfully Easter convinces me that no matter what you are with us…

Happy Easter Everyone - He has risen! 

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