Monday, January 18, 2021

Living Stones

After Advent and Christmas, our church is moving back into the series on 1 Peter.  This weeks passage is 1 Peter 2:4-12.  This passage struck me as encouraging, and hopeful for those that might feel a little out of place in this crazy world.  This passage provided a humble sense of assurance.  


This big idea from this passage, the takeaway for me is:


Because of the complete and finished work of Christ, we; diamonds in the rough become acceptable – more than that – we become the precious stones of God.  We the broken, the ragamuffins, the exiles of this world have been chosen for this royal priesthood, we have been called out of the darkness and into the marvelous light that is Jesus.  And as such, we rough stones are being polished and shaped, by the astounding love, the staggering mercy and the amazing grace of God through Christ all by the power of the Holy Spirit! We are being prepared for an eternity of glorifying God and enjoying him forever.  And as exiles in this world and no matter what we encounter in this world (riots, politics, division, pandemics, injustice) we will experience this love and mercy and grace; we will experience the very presence of God every step of the way, and we will experience it in such a way that our hearts overflow with that marvelous light, with this good news and it will overflow into a world desperate for just a little good news.


Grace and Peace!

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