Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Laugh, I Nearly Died

I’m so sick and tired

Trying to turn the tide, yeah

So I’ll say my goodbye

Laugh, laugh, I nearly died

Rolling Stones

Genesis 18:9-15

Big Idea:


It is in those times that we are spent, broken, at the end of our rope, when life seems impossible; it is in those times that we might scoff (laugh) in disbelief, and it is in those times that the grace of God becomes crystal clear. And that is also exactly where we come to see that in our weakness, He is strong. It is in our weakness that we come to know the love and mercies of God; and to trust in God’s promises. So, no matter where we find ourselves let’s all trust and believe God when he says; “I will surely return to you (V10).”  To know that we are never abandoned, we are never alone, we are loved and cared for no matter the circumstance, no matter the failure, no matter our weakness. Jesus reminds us in Luke 18:27; "What is impossible with man is possible with God."  Oh, what a promise and what an assurance in these crazy times.  May we all move forward in 2021 with the expectant hope of Christ in our hearts.

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