Monday, February 13, 2017

Continential Divides

When I think of the division I see in this country – or better yet, when I see the reconciliation that is needed over great divides including political divides, racial divides, economic divides it gives me pause. A recent poll showed that 40% of the people surveyed felt the recent election damaged a relationship with a friend or family member. That is astounding, that is so troubling, and for that we need help. 

I turn to God for wisdom, for answers, for a path. It occurs to me that when we consider the great sacrifice, when we consider how we have wronged our great God, when we consider the love and grace and tender mercies offered through the finished and complete work of Christ to reconcile us with God, to bridge the enormous divide between God and each of us, then I know through Him all things are possible. 

When I am thinking clearly and truly understand this, when I truly understand the sacrifice and love of Christ then I am humbled and if we can humble ourselves enough, if we can be slow to speak, if we can listen and understand other perspectives, if we can agree to disagree and still love each other, if we can love one another just as our Savior loves us, then these divides don’t seem so impossibly large. 

It has to start somewhere... 

Grace and Peace!

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