Monday, August 8, 2016

Going Viral

So I will confess, I am not huge into social media – in fact I feel it is like the old commercial – social media is the next best thing to being there. I am sure there are many positive things about social media and I must admit that I do have a Twitter account. 

I find this to be a good way to journal, share thoughts and ideas all within 140 characters – short is good. Anyway, there are statistics and it is so tempting to get drawn into a mode of saying something – I mean tweeting something and then sitting back and watching to see just how popular that becomes. So for me it could be very easy to begin thinking a lot of my abilities and my popularity; to become proud of my tweet-worthiness...

There is this term; going viral. Urban Dictionary (which I do not necessarily recommend without caution) defines going viral as when “an idea, concept, product, video or other cultural meme exponentially increases in popularity.” 

I suppose in the sphere of social media this is the mark of success. At the risk of causing much laughter, my best tweets typically get between 40 and 50 views; so yes I do keep track. Recently, however I crafted a tweet and my truly artistic efforts went viral; over 500 views. I must also admit that I started feeling pretty good about my abilities as a master tweeter. As I started to think I had truly arrived in the realm of social media, something started tugging at me. 

Here is my tweet:


Ps 100:5 
For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations. 


So you see, all I did was send out a Verse from the Bible. And then it hit me, it wasn’t me, it is not my wisdom, it was not my twitter expertise. It was the Word of God...and I knew at that very moment God was teaching me a lesson in humility. It wasn’t a harsh lesson; it was filled with grace, which impacted me even more; just a gentle and loving reminder. 

Ephesians 2:8-9

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 

Grace and Peace!

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