Friday, February 20, 2015

Gospel Encouragement

There is such encouragement in the Gospel; in the good news of Jesus Christ. Recently Ray Ortlund posted this and it help to lift my spirits during a trying time...

Whoever comes to me I will never cast out. John 6:37 

“But I am a great sinner, you say. ‘But I will never cast you out,’ says Christ. But I am an old sinner, you say. ‘But I will never cast you out,’ says Christ. But I am a hard-hearted sinner, you say. ‘But I will never cast you out,’ says Christ. But I am a backsliding sinner, you say. ‘But I will never cast you out,’ says Christ. But I have served Satan all my days, you say. ‘But I will never cast you out,’ says Christ. But I have sinned against light, you say. ‘But I will never cast you out,’ says Christ. But I have sinned against mercy, you say. ‘But I will never cast you out,’ says Christ. But I have nothing good to bring with me, you say. ‘But I will never cast you out,’ says Christ.” 

John Bunyan, Works (London, 1861), I:279-280. Style updated. 

Thank you Jesus and may many come to you! 

Grace and Peace!

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