Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Prayer

Father God, 

As we approach Christmas Day, we humbly thank you that Christ was born; our true hope; our true love and Father what a radical gift. Because Christ came into this world we can know that he came to save completely, to intercede for us, to atone for our sin, to restore us to you and as such we praise you and say Halleluiah!

Father, B. B. Warfield once said: “The Glory of the incarnation is that it presents to our adoring gaze, a true God-man; one on whose almighty arms we can rest and to whose human sympathy we can appeal.” 

Father, this Christmas we just praise you for your glorious plan of redemption which sent a child that is our wonderful counselor, our mighty God, our Everlasting Father, our Prince of Peace; a child who is named Immanuel – God with us! Father, you sent us a true God-man in whose almighty arms we can rest; where we can find peace! 

Father, may your name be proclaimed, may Jesus become more and more famous...Lord, give us ears that your word might touch our hearts, that your word might refresh, that we might be transformed; all to your glory. 

Abba Father, we love you and pray in the most beautiful name of Jesus Christ...Amen!

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