Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving Prayer

Father God, In Philippians you tell us: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 

And Father that is amazing to me, that we can come to you about anything, and thru prayer we can express our thanks, we can present our requests, we can have a relationship with the creator of the universe. 

So Father, as we move thru this thing called life, let us know that we do not have to be anxious about anything, that no matter what you are there with us; and mostly let us be thankful that because of all Christ has done for us we can know, that you love us, that we can come to you in prayer anytime and for anything and that we can have a real and heartfelt relationship with you.

Father, as we stop and reflect on this special day, help us to do so with thankful souls, help us to sing praises to you, help us to express our love because you first loved us. And not just this day, but let this be the first of many days that are grounded in our thankfulness; thankful that you are in our lives and thankful that we are your children. 

Father, this Thanksgiving Day no matter our circumstance, no matter our standing, no matter what help us with thankful hearts to know your great love. Abba Father, we love you and pray these many things in the most beautiful name of Jesus Christ – Amen! 

Grace and Peace!

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