Sunday, April 13, 2014

Seeing Clearly

I have been reading through Romans and have found Chapter 2 very concerning. This is a chapter on God’s judgment and the timing seems well just perfect as Easter approaches. 

Understanding the Cross, the ultimate and final sacrifice can be a little intimidating, but it is so vital. It is vital to see the finished work of Christ as our only hope of salvation. So how does this all relate to Chapter 2 of Romans? 

Well I think Paul is breaking down our self-righteousness trying to get us to see clearly our desperate need of rescue. Commenting on this passage, Tim Keller says; 

“All face judgment, and all deserve wrath. It is only from this ground that we are able to look at the cross and see it clearly. We cannot appreciate who Christ is unless we first acknowledge who we are.” 

Father, this Psalm Sunday...Thank you that you are God and thank you for your plan for salvation through the finished work of Christ. Father, help us all to see clearly our desperation, help us to know and appreciate our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the sacrifice made. Amen. 

Grace and Peace!

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