Saturday, December 8, 2012

Comfort Zone

Have you ever thought about this phrase comfort zone? The Free Dictionary defines comfort zone as “a situation or position in which a person feels secure, comfortable, or in control.” Sounds like a pretty good place to be, but don’t we often hear that we need to stretch; to get out of our comfort zones? 

Recently, we had a great discussion about our comfort zones. We tied it to our study of David Platt’s book “Radical”.  In the book, Plat has a small section that mentions the sovereignty of God. The Sovereignty of God is defined as God’s ultimate Lordship and rule over all things. His divine will is supreme over all. Platt points to Matthew 10:29; 

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.” 

In God’s sovereignty I see such comfort, such security with God in control. Platt goes on to say that “we can rest confident in the fact that nothing will happen to us in this world apart from the gracious will of a sovereign God. Nothing.” 

So when we really bring this to conclusion can’t you see that as Christians, as believers, as those who through Christ fully trust in God, we should never be in anything but a comfort zone.

As Christians, we should come to recognize that life is all comfort zone; no matter what, no matter the situation or the circumstance. We should come to realize that as a child of God we are secure, we are comfortable and God is in control.  Amen! 

So if we can really come to terms with this we can stretch, we can grow, we can try new things; we can with confidence talk to our neighbors, help those in need, reach out for the Glory of God; and we can do this as part of a believers comfort zone

May we all fully, totally and completely trust in our great God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit...what a comfort zone! 

Grace and Peace!

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