Saturday, June 23, 2012

No Worries

Everyone has probably heard the phrase; no worries.  This phrase has been described as the national motto of Australia, but it is more than a motto.  It is an attitude of optimism.  This is difficult in life, with economic, political, environmental, health, financial, religious pressures.  So much, so busy, so many worries!  Can this attitude of no worries really be possible? 

While in this broken world we may never be able to master the no worries attitude all the time, I do believe there is a way to be headed in that direction.  I believe that it is a matter of focus.  What are we focused on; the object of our worry or the answer?  I think Christ shows us the answer in Matthew 6:25-34; this is the do not worry passage.  I think Christ shows us the way in Matthew 6:33a;

Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness

This should be our focus.  This word seek in Greek means so much more that trying to locate. It has this essence of striving, desiring, craving and aiming.  And kingdom has this connotation of a royal power or presence.  So for me as worry creeps in I must sharpen my focus on the royal power of Christ and His presence within me; I must crave and desire that above the worries of the world and as I do this the worries will not be so…uh…worrisome.

James Montgomery Boice points out 3 keys to this verse.  First, the promises of Christ are for Christians only; therefore there will be worries in this world.  Second, as a believer we must mature and learn as much as we can about God’s nature and ability to care for His people. We are to learn about Christ, which will lead to a sharpened focus and strength in our faith.  And third, as believers we must get into the habit of turning to God as worries begin to creep in.  It must become our natural and first reaction. Amen!

Friends, no worries!  Trust in Christ!

Grace and Peace!

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