Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fishing with Jesus

Our Church is progressing through a sermon series on Christian community. In conjunction with that our small groups and home fellowship groups are doing a study on Christian community called “The Life-giving Power of Community” written by John Ortberg, Laurie Pederson and Judson Poling. It is a challenging series and study.

Recently we were given an interesting premise. Jesus is not only our Lord, Savior, and teacher, but Jesus also longs to be our friend. We are given this to reinforce the reality that true Christian community requires true relationship. It is very interesting to think about Jesus as all that He is, but to also realize in a true relationship He is also our friend is simply amazing beyond words.

We can see this in scripture. In Matthew 11, Jesus is described as a “friend of sinners”. More clearly in John 15 we see; “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.”

I just love that thought and as the old song goes, “what a friend we have in Jesus”. As part of our study we were given a spiritual exercise to take time to do something you love and to invite Jesus to be part of it. We were encouraged not to make this too formal as in prayer, but to just bask in the presence of Christ and to just speak to him as a friend there with you in this activity.

As you might have guessed I invited Jesus to go fishing with me. I gathered all the equipment, walked down to the edge of the water, marveled at creation, and began a most excellent fishing expedition. Things started out great, just some casual conversation and it was amazing to recognize the presence of Christ there fishing with me. However, soon I became focused on the fishing, the lures, the timing of the tides, the movement and forgot my friend was with me.

I suddenly realized I had invited Jesus to go fishing with me and in the busyness of my activity I had forgotten Him. Oh, isn’t that like life? Do we all get so busy, so focused on the things of life that we forget our Lord, our Savior, Our Friend? I know I do. Try the spiritual exercise some time. Invite Jesus to do something with you. Don’t hold back; something amazing might happen.

Father, forgive me my lack of attention to that which is so important, so vital, so loving and (here’s the good news) so filled with grace and mercy. May we all focus more on a true loving relationship with Christ our King!

Grace and Peace!

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