Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Imperfect Disciples Like Me

Just completed a wonderful book written by Jared Wilson called "The Imperfect Disciple."  It is an amazing book for those of us disciples that continue to wonder how good is good enough, that are weary of wondering if what we are doing is ok, that have doubts.  I came across this passage on page 194 of the book and it just floored me...

"Jesus is the apex and sum of all that is good and lovely and wonderful. To get lost in him is to finally find one’s true self. You can’t find yourself anywhere else or in anyone else. 

But here we are. Struggling along. Enjoying more of the dead and putrid things than we ought. Fighting sin – or, more often than not, surrendering to it. Our true sinful self keeps poking through the cracks. Every time trouble comes and every time irritation and frustrations come, our real self rises up.

And we...are terrible repenters. We don’t even know even know all of the stuff we ought to repent of. None of us will get to that heavenly finish line perfectly repented. 

So we will finish our days basically crawling across that finish line, dragging our sorry self into heaven, and the Lord who is our righteousness will be standing there, looking down over us, mighty hands on his hips, and he will say, “Well Done.” 

I don’t know what you do with this, but I can’t yawn at it. It makes me stagger. That the holy God of the universe, to whom I owe my very life, would punish his own Son so he wouldn’t have to punish me is staggering. Because he loves me. 

And that Jesus, the only Son of God, would go up on that mountain...not confused about where the sacrifice would come from, but knowing he was the sacrifice...overcomes me by this truest of loves."

Jared Wilson
The Imperfect Disciple