Monday, November 14, 2016

Be Loved

Just this morning I started on a 10-day prayer journey. The journey is part of Scotty Smith’s book; Every Season Prayers. On this journey we will pray through John 17 the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus. As I started there was this reminder; “any prayer Jesus offers on our behalf will be answered affirmatively." And we are also encouraged to capture our thoughts as we travel on this journey. 

Day 1 – has me meditating on John 17:4-6 

I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.  And now Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed.  I have manifested your name to the people whom you gave me out of the world.  Yours they were, and you gave them to me, and they have kept your word.

We were asked to consider this from the perspective of the accomplished, complete and finished work of Christ on our behalf. Scotty Smith provides some excellent thoughts and commentary on this and reminds me (us)... 

“Let us cease from our strivings and doubts, beloved.” That struck me; beloved means a much-loved person, precious, adored, cherished, prized – Wow (me?). And this also reminded me that I must cease striving, cease doubting and let myself be loved. 

There are also some thoughts and questions designed to help guide my prayer this morning...

“As I consider your finished work on my behalf, I am...” my thoughts: amazed, astonished, surprised, in awe, so very happy, so very thankful. 

There are many other thought provoking and probing statements; statements that just move me deeply, but the days journey ends with the question: "Father, why do I remain allergic to your grace?"

Oh this caused me to spin. Thoughts come crashing in – that in our culture we are taught, we are conditioned to believe you only get what you earn in this world, that we must pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, that we get what we pay for and my final thought was that there is nothing in this world that is free. 

As I dwelled on these statements, as I was asking to hear from God on this, as I meditated in silence the tears started to well up and it occurred to me (God speaking???) that how easily I forget when I am in my self centered mode rather than being Christ centered, how easily I forget that my salvation was not free; that Jesus paid it all. He gave his all so this prodigal son could run into the arms of my Good, Good Father much-loved, precious, adored, cherished, prized; as a beloved child of God. 

Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit – thank you and I love you too! 

Grace and Peace!