Sunday, February 7, 2016

Our Everything

Father God, 

In Psalm 18 David reminds us in one verse that you are our rock, our fortress, our deliverer, our refuge, our shield, our salvation, and our stronghold. Father, we come before you this morning amazed and filled with praise; thanking you for being our everything. 

 Father, we also come this day humbly to confess our shortcomings, our failures, our sin, our rebellion against you asking for your forgiveness. And even as we confess we can in the same breath thank you that by the finished work of Jesus Christ we are forgiven, we are made new. 

Again in Psalm 18 David tells us that you reached down from on high and took hold of us, you drew us out of deep waters, you rescued us. And Father, as if that is not enough, you rescued us because you delight in us. How wonderful you are and how thankful we are. 

Father, as we realize and recognize the many blessing we have because of who you are, because of your love, because you are our everything we pray that our hearts might overflow with our love for you, that our lives would be spirit filled, and pleasing to you. 

Oh Father, keep open our hearts and minds. Let us continually hear of your great love and your amazing grace. 

Abba Father, we love you and pray in the most beautiful name of Jesus Christ... Amen!

Grace and Peace!