Wednesday, July 27, 2016

But Stephen

But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. 

My Church is in the middle of a summer reading plan and today we read Acts 7. A chapter so rich, so full, so emotional. Theologian William Neil says it is a “subtle and skillful proclamation of the Gospel.” 

I must admit that even though I have read this chapter on more than one occasion, I was emotionally impacted this morning. I was just particularly struck by the last passage; verses 54-60. I was taken aback by the anger and fury (can’t we see that even today), I was so moved by the faith of Stephen, I was amazed at the grace and the seeds of grace planted that day (Saul), and I was just emotionally crushed (in a good way) to see Jesus standing at the right hand of God (not sitting)...and for the first time I began to wonder why was he Standing? 

Some say that Jesus was led into the presence of God to receive authority and power (Daniel 7:13-14), some say he stood to welcome Stephen the first martyr, some say he stood as Stephen’s heavenly advocate. F. F. Bruce says; “Stephen has been confessing Christ before men, and now he sees Christ confessing his servant before God.” 

Since we are not clearly told the reason, I am sure it is a transcending, surpassing blend of all of this and even more...but what was laid on my heart this morning, what brought a tear to my eye was to know that Jesus was there in the midst of this suffering. Even though God’s will had to be done Jesus was with Stephen, He loved, He cared, and what came to my mind was a couple of verses from John 11. Verses 35 and 36: Jesus wept. Then the Jews said, “See how He loved him!” 

I honestly don’t know if this is theologically correct, but it was clearly placed on my heart this morning. That no matter the circumstance, no matter the trial, no matter the suffering, that Jesus is there with us, that His amazing love is there for us and out of that love, when we suffer He stands up for us; dare I say He weeps...For me it was: Oh my, see how He loves us. 

Jesus, I love you too! 

Grace and Peace!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Paths Forward

Father God, 

I come before you brokenhearted and troubled by the recent tragedies...a young boy tragically killed in an accident right here in our community, young men tragically killed in Louisiana and Minnesota and law enforcement officers tragically killed in Dallas. 

Oh Father, I come confused, I come sad, I come broken. I come not even knowing exactly what or how to pray, but I come crying out from my heart. I pray for understanding and wisdom to prevail, I pray for Gospel transformation and change in us all, I pray for ideas, solutions and paths forward. I pray for action rather than the divided inaction of our day, I pray for the ability as a nation to discuss these tragedies in a way that does not divide, but moves forward, I pray for the impacted families and communities, for your comfort and healing and peace. I pray that we as a church will mourn with those mourning and weep with those weeping. I pray for revival and for this nation to collectively turn to you. I pray that we all remember that we are one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Mostly I pray for love because without love we are nothing. 

I pray as you tell us in Romans; that our love would be sincere, that we would hate what is evil, that we would cling to what is good. That we would be devoted to one another in love and that we would honor others above ourselves, that we would never be lacking in zeal, but that we would always keep our spiritual passions, that we would serve the Lord. That we would be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer...that we would share with those in need and practice hospitality. That we would bless those that persecute us, that we would rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn, that we would live in harmony with one another, that we would not be proud and that we would be willing to associate with all kinds of people and never be conceited. 

And in addition to all this, I pray that this you help us see and know and feel your grace and love and tender mercies; to feel your very presence with us. Help us know and trust and rest in you, help us to know that our all powerful God is upon his throne and will make all things new, help us to truly rejoice, help us to be forever thankful for the one true hope that is Christ and help us as a people, as believers to always sing praises to our almighty, loving, tender, merciful, and sovereign God. 

Abba Father, we love you and pray these many things in the most beautiful and loving name of Jesus Christ – Amen and Amen!

Grace and Peace!