Saturday, March 24, 2012

He Bore Our Griefs

As Easter approaches I spend time reflecting on the perfection of Christ, His atoning sacrifice for each of us, and the awe that He inspires in me. Recently I came upon a poem written in 1630 by Jacobus Revius; a Dutch poet, theologian and church historian. Seems so appropriate.

He Bore Our Griefs

No, it was not the Jews who crucified,
 Nor who betrayed you in the judgment place,
 Nor who, Lord Jesus, spat into your face,
 Nor who with buffets struck you as you died.

No, it was not the soldiers fisted bold 
Who lifted up the hammer and the nail,
 Or raised the cursed cross on Calvary’s hill,
 Or, gambling, tossed the dice to win your robe.

I am the one, O Lord, who brought you there,
 I am the heavy cross you had to bear,
 I am the rope that bound you to the tree,

The whip, the nail, the hammer, and the spear,
 The blood-stained crown of thorns you had to wear: 
It was my sin, alas, it was for me.

Grace and Peace!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

Doesn’t life seem so hectic these days? I just feel there is not enough time in the day. Work, study, recreation, life is just tremendously full. Recently, as I was a little overwhelmed I came across the words of Christ in Mark 6:31b:

“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”

This was an amazing statement; in the ESV quiet place is translated as desolate place and if you dig into this there is this image of an oasis in a desert; perhaps Christ is our oasis in life. This strikes me as something this world desperately needs is to spend time resting with Christ.

As I continued think and pray this through I heard someone speaking and they asked a question; “Do you make time in your life for God or are you building your life around God?” Wow – pretty convicting as I struggle to make time; I thought to myself where is God on my to do list… Mark 12:30 reminds us to Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. Now, I don’t know about you, but that gives me so much to think and pray about in all my busyness. How about you? Maybe this is a message for all…

Father, forgive me that in the busyness of life I try to fit you; the Lord, God of Wonders, God of all creation, into my life rather than build my life around you; the Great I Am. Father, give us rest in Christ! By your Spirit help us love you with all our hearts, soul, mind and strength. Abba Father, we love you and thank you for grace in our lives.

Grace and Peace!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Knowing Christ

John 1
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

These days I find myself reading several and I mean several books. As part of groups and on my own, but I am reading a lot. What I fear, where I am convicted is that I find myself reading so much that I am not sure I am focused on that which is important.

While this may seem a problem, I believe this is serving to direct me down the right path. Recently I was reading (imagine that) and I came across this from J. C. Ryle;

“I wish professing Christians in this day studied the four Gospels more than they do. I know that all Scripture is profitable. I do not wish to exalt one part of the Bible at the expense of another. But I think it would be good for some, who are very familiar with the Epistles, if they knew a little more about Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Now, why do I say this? I say it because I want professing Christians to know more about Christ. It is well to be acquainted with all the doctrines and principles of Christianity. It is better to be acquainted with Christ Himself. It is well to be familiar with faith, and grace, and justification, and sanctification. They are all matters pertaining to the King. But it is far better to be familiar with Jesus Himself, to see the King’s own face, and to behold His beauty.”

So while I may spend a tremendous amount of time on subjects, doctrines, Christian living, let me never stop spending time getting to know Christ, seeing the King’s face, beholding his beauty. Let me never stop spending time in the Word of God. Amen!